Iraq 2005

We, the people of Mesopotamia, the homeland of the apostles and prophets, resting place of the virtuous imams, cradle of civilization, crafters of writing, and home of numeration. Upon our land the first law made by man was passed, and the oldest pact of just governance was inscribed, and upon our soil the saints and companions of the Prophet prayed, philosophers and scientists theorized, and writers and poets excelled;

God or other deities , Reference to country's history , Right to culture

Acknowledging God's right over us, and in fulfillment of the call of our homeland and citizens, and in a response to the call of our religious and national leaderships and the determination of our great authorities and of our leaders and politicians, and in the midst of international support from our friends and those who love us, marched for the first time in our history towards the ballot boxes by the millions, men and women, young and old, on the thirtieth of January 2005, invoking the pains of sectarian oppression inflicted by the autocratic clique and inspired by the tragedies of Iraq's martyrs, Shiite and Sunni, Arabs and Kurds and Turkmen and from all other components of the people, and recollecting the darkness of the ravage of the holy cities and the South in the Sha'abaniyya uprising and burnt by the flames of grief of the mass graves, the marshes, Al-Dujail and others and articulating the sufferings of racial oppression in the massacres of Halabcha, Barzan, Anfal and the Fayli Kurds and inspired by the ordeals of the Turkmen in Bashir and the sufferings of the people of the western region, as is the case in the remaining areas of Iraq where the people suffered from the liquidation of their leaders, symbols, and Sheiks and from the displacement of their skilled individuals and from drying out of its cultural and intellectual wells, so we sought hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder to create our new Iraq, the Iraq of the future, free from sectarianism, racism, complex of regional attachment, discrimination, and exclusion.

Reference to country's history , Terrorism

Accusations of being infidels, and terrorism did not stop us from marching forward to build a nation of law. Sectarianism and racism have not stopped us from marching together to strengthen our national unity, following the path of peaceful transfer of power, adopting the course of just distribution of resources, and providing equal opportunity for all.

We, the people of Iraq, who have just risen from our stumble, and who are looking with confidence to the future through a republican, federal, democratic, pluralistic system, have resolved with the determination of our men, women, elderly, and youth to respect the rule of law, to establish justice and equality, to cast aside the politics of aggression, to pay attention to women and their rights, the elderly and their concerns, and children and their affairs, to spread the culture of diversity, and to defuse terrorism.

Motives for writing constitution , Source of constitutional authority , Right to culture , Reference to science

We, the people of Iraq, of all components and across the spectrum, have taken upon ourselves to decide freely and by choice to unite our future, to take lessons from yesterday for tomorrow, and to enact this permanent Constitution, through the values and ideals of the heavenly messages and the findings of science and man's civilization. The adherence to this Constitution preserves for Iraq its free union of people, of land, and of sovereignty.

Section One. Fundamental Principles

Type of government envisioned

Article 1

The Republic of Iraq is a single federal, independent and fully sovereign state in which the system of government is republican, representative, parliamentary, and democratic, and this Constitution is a guarantor of the unity of Iraq.

Article 2

Official religion , Status of religious law


Islam is the official religion of the State and is a foundation source of legislation:

  1. No law may be enacted that contradicts the established provisions of Islam
  2. No law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy.
  3. No law may be enacted that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution.
Freedom of religion


This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans.

Regional group(s)

Article 3

Iraq is a country of multiple nationalities, religions, and sects. It is a founding and active member in the Arab League and is committed to its charter, and it is part of the Islamic world.

Protection of language use , Official or national languages , Referenda

Article 4

Integration of ethnic communities


The Arabic language and the Kurdish language are the two official languages of Iraq. The right of Iraqis to educate their children in their mother tongue, such as Turkmen, Assyrian, and Armenian shall be guaranteed in government educational institutions in accordance with educational guidelines, or in any other language in private educational institutions.


The scope of the term "official language" and the means of applying the provisions of this article shall be defined by a law and shall include:

  1. Publication of the Official Gazette, in the two languages;
  2. Speech, conversation, and expression in official domains, such as the Council of Representatives, the Council of Ministers, courts, and official conferences, in either of the two languages;
  3. Recognition and publication of official documents and correspondence in the two languages;
  4. Opening schools that teach the two languages, in accordance with the educational guidelines;
  5. Use of both languages in any matter enjoined by the principle of equality such as bank notes, passports, and stamps.


The federal and official institutions and agencies in the Kurdistan region shall use both languages.


The Turkomen language and the Syriac language are two other official languages in the administrative units in which they constitute density of population.


Each region or governorate may adopt any other local language as an additional official language if the majority of its population so decides in a general referendum.

Secret ballot

Article 5

The law is sovereign. The people are the source of authority and legitimacy, which they shall exercise in a direct, general, secret ballot and through their constitutional institutions.

Article 6

Transfer of authority shall be made peacefully through democratic means as stipulated in this Constitution.

Terrorism , Restrictions on political parties , Prohibited political parties

Article 7


Any entity or program that adopts, incites, facilitates, glorifies, promotes, or justifies racism or terrorism or accusations of being an infidel (takfir) or ethnic cleansing, especially the Saddamist Ba'ath in Iraq and its symbols, under any name whatsoever, shall be prohibited. Such entities may not be part of political pluralism in Iraq. This shall be regulated by law.


The State shall undertake to combat terrorism in all its forms, and shall work to protect its territories from being a base, pathway, or field for terrorist activities.

International law

Article 8

Iraq shall observe the principles of good neighborliness, adhere to the principle of noninterference in the internal affairs of other states, seek to settle disputes by peaceful means, establish relations on the basis of mutual interests and reciprocity, and respect its international obligations.

Restrictions on the armed forces

Article 9


  1. The Iraqi armed forces and security services will be composed of the components of the Iraqi people with due consideration given to their balance and representation without discrimination or exclusion. They shall be subject to the control of the civilian authority, shall defend Iraq, shall not be used as an instrument to oppress the Iraqi people, shall not interfere in the political affairs, and shall have no role in the transfer of authority.
  2. The formation of military militias outside the framework of the armed forces is prohibited.
  3. The Iraqi armed forces and their personnel, including military personnel working in the Ministry of Defense or any subordinate departments or organizations, may not stand for election to political office, campaign for candidates, or participate in other activities prohibited by Ministry of Defense regulations. This ban includes the activities of the personnel mentioned above acting in their personal or professional capacities, but shall not infringe upon the right of these personnel to cast their vote in the elections.
  4. The Iraqi National Intelligence Service shall collect information, assess threats to national security, and advise the Iraqi government. This Service shall be under civilian control, shall be subject to legislative oversight, and shall operate in accordance with the law and pursuant to the recognized principles of human rights.
  5. The Iraqi Government shall respect and implement Iraq's international obligations regarding the non-proliferation, non-development, non-production, and non-use of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and shall prohibit associated equipment, materiel, technologies, and delivery systems for use in the development, manufacture, production, and use of such weapons.
Duty to serve in the military


Military service shall be regulated by law.

Article 10

The holy shrines and religious sites in Iraq are religious and civilizational entities. The State is committed to assuring and maintaining their sanctity, and to guaranteeing the free practice of rituals in them.

National capital

Article 11

Baghdad is the capital of the Republic of Iraq.

National anthem , National flag

Article 12


The flag, national anthem, and emblem of Iraq shall be regulated by law in a way that symbolizes the components of the Iraqi people.


A law shall regulate honors, official holidays, religious and national occasions and the Hijri and Gregorian calendar.

Article 13


This Constitution is the preeminent and supreme law in Iraq and shall be binding in all parts of Iraq without exception.


No law that contradicts this Constitution shall be enacted. Any text in any regional constitutions or any other legal text that contradicts this Constitution shall be considered void.

Section Two. Rights and Freedoms

Chapter One. Rights

ONE. Civil and Political Rights

General guarantee of equality , Equality regardless of gender , Equality regardless of race , Equality regardless of social status , Equality regardless of financial status , Equality regardless of nationality , Equality regardless of religion , Equality regardless of origin , Equality regardless of creed or belief , Equality regardless of skin color

Article 14

Iraqis are equal before the law without discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, origin, color, religion, sect, belief or opinion, or economic or social status.

Right to life

Article 15

Every individual has the right to enjoy life, security and liberty. Deprivation or restriction of these rights is prohibited except in accordance with the law and based on a decision issued by a competent judicial authority.

General guarantee of equality

Article 16

Equal opportunities shall be guaranteed to all Iraqis, and the state shall ensure that the necessary measures to achieve this are taken.

Regulation of evidence collection , Right to privacy

Article 17


Every individual shall have the right to personal privacy so long as it does not contradict the rights of others and public morals.


The sanctity of the homes shall be protected. Homes may not be entered, searched, or violated, except by a judicial decision in accordance with the law.

Requirements for birthright citizenship

Article 18


Iraqi citizenship is a right for every Iraqi and is the basis of his nationality.


Anyone who is born to an Iraqi father or to an Iraqi mother shall be considered an Iraqi. This shall be regulated by law.

Conditions for revoking citizenship


    An Iraqi citizen by birth may not have his citizenship withdrawn for any reason. Any person who had his citizenship withdrawn shall have the right to demand its reinstatement. This shall be regulated by a law.
Requirements for naturalization


An Iraqi may have multiple citizenships. Everyone who assumes a senior, security or sovereign position must abandon any other acquired citizenship. This shall be regulated by law.


Iraqi citizenship shall not be granted for the purposes of the policy of population settlement that disrupts the demographic composition of Iraq.


Citizenship provisions shall be regulated by law. The competent courts shall consider the suits arising from those provisions.

Article 19

Judicial independence


The judiciary is independent and no power is above the judiciary except the law.

Protection from ex post facto laws , Principle of no punishment without law


There is no crime or punishment except by law. The punishment shall only be for an act that the law considers a crime when perpetrated. A harsher punishment than the applicable punishment at the time of the offense may not be imposed.


Litigation shall be a protected and guaranteed right for all.


The right to a defense shall be sacred and guaranteed in all phases of investigation and the trial.

Presumption of innocence in trials , Right to fair trial , Prohibition of double jeopardy


The accused is innocent until proven guilty in a fair legal trial. The accused may not be tried for the same crime for a second time after acquittal unless new evidence is produced.


Every person shall have the right to be treated with justice in judicial and administrative proceedings.

Right to public trial


The proceedings of a trial are public unless the court decides to make it secret.


Punishment shall be personal.

Protection from ex post facto laws


Laws shall not have retroactive effect unless stipulated otherwise. This exclusion shall not include laws on taxes and fees.


Criminal laws shall not have retroactive effect, unless it is to the benefit of the accused.

Right to counsel


The court shall appoint a lawyer at the expense of the state for an accused of a felony or misdemeanor who does not have a defense lawyer.

Protection from unjustified restraint


  1. Unlawful detention shall be prohibited.
  2. Imprisonment or detention shall be prohibited in places not designed for these purposes, pursuant to prison laws covering health and social care, and subject to the authorities of the State.


The preliminary investigative documents shall be submitted to the competent judge in a period not to exceed twenty-four hours from the time of the arrest of the accused, which may be extended only once and for the same period.

Claim of universal suffrage , Requirements for birthright citizenship

Article 20

Iraqi citizens, men and women, shall have the right to participate in public affairs and to enjoy political rights including the right to vote, elect, and run for office.

Article 21

Extradition procedure


No Iraqi shall be surrendered to foreign entities and authorities.

Protection of stateless persons


A law shall regulate the right of political asylum in Iraq. No political refugee shall be surrendered to a foreign entity or returned forcibly to the country from which he fled.

International law , Terrorism , Protection of stateless persons


Political asylum shall not be granted to a person accused of committing international or terrorist crimes or to any person who inflicted damage on Iraq.

TWO. Economic, Social and Cultural Freedoms

Article 22

Right to reasonable standard of living , Right to work


Work is a right for all Iraqis in a way that guarantees a dignified life for them.


The law shall regulate the relationship between employees and employers on economic bases and while observing the rules of social justice.

Right to join trade unions


The State shall guarantee the right to form and join unions and professional associations, and this shall be regulated by law.

Right to own property

Article 23


Private property is protected. The owner shall have the right to benefit, exploit and dispose of private property within the limits of the law.

Protection from expropriation


Expropriation is not permissible except for the purposes of public benefit in return for just compensation, and this shall be regulated by law.

Right to own property


  1. Every Iraqi shall have the right to own property anywhere in Iraq. No others may possess immovable assets, except as exempted by law.
  2. Ownership of property for the purposes of demographic change is prohibited.
Freedom of movement

Article 24

The State shall guarantee freedom of movement of Iraqi manpower, goods, and capital between regions and governorates, and this shall be regulated by law.

Article 25

The State shall guarantee the reform of the Iraqi economy in accordance with modern economic principles to insure the full investment of its resources, diversification of its sources, and the encouragement and development of the private sector.

Article 26

The State shall guarantee the encouragement of investment in the various sectors, and this shall be regulated by law.

Article 27


Public assets are sacrosanct, and their protection is the duty of each citizen.


The provisions related to the preservation of State properties, their management, the conditions for their disposal, and the limits for these assets not to be relinquished shall all be regulated by law.

Article 28


No taxes or fees shall be levied, amended, collected, or exempted, except by law.


Low income earners shall be exempted from taxes in a way that guarantees the preservation of the minimum income required for living. This shall be regulated by law.

Limits on employment of children

Article 29


    The family is the foundation of society; the State shall preserve it and its religious, moral, and national values.
Rights of children , State support for children , State support for the elderly


Rights or duties of parents

Children have the right to upbringing, care and education from their parents. Parents have the right to respect and care from their children, especially in times of need, disability, and old age.


Economic exploitation of children in all of its forms shall be prohibited, and the State shall take the necessary measures for their protection.


All forms of violence and abuse in the family, school, and society shall be prohibited.

Right to shelter , State support for children , State support for the elderly , Rights of children , State support for the unemployed , State support for the disabled

Article 30


The State shall guarantee to the individual and the family - especially children and women – social and health security, the basic requirements for living a free and decent life, and shall secure for them suitable income and appropriate housing.


The State shall guarantee social and health security to Iraqis in cases of old age, sickness, employment disability, homelessness, orphanhood, or unemployment, shall work to protect them from ignorance, fear and poverty, and shall provide them housing and special programs of care and rehabilitation, and this shall be regulated by law.

Right to health care

Article 31


Every citizen has the right to health care. The State shall maintain public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and health institutions.


Individuals and entities have the right to build hospitals, clinics, or private health care centers under the supervision of the State, and this shall be regulated by law.

Article 32

The State shall care for the handicapped and those with special needs, and shall ensure their rehabilitation in order to reintegrate them into society, and this shall be regulated by law.

Protection of environment

Article 33


Every individual has the right to live in safe environmental conditions.


The State shall undertake the protection and preservation of the environment and its biological diversity.

Right to academic freedom

Article 34

Compulsory education


Education is a fundamental factor for the progress of society and is a right guaranteed by the state. Primary education is mandatory and the state guarantees that it shall combat illiteracy.

Free education


Free education in all its stages is a right for all Iraqis.

Reference to science


The State shall encourage scientific research for peaceful purposes that serve humanity and shall support excellence, creativity, invention, and different aspects of ingenuity.


Private and public education shall be guaranteed, and this shall be regulated by law.

Right to culture

Article 35

The state shall promote cultural activities and institutions in a manner that befits the civilizational and cultural history of Iraq, and it shall seek to support indigenous Iraqi cultural orientations.

Article 36

Practicing sports is a right of every Iraqi and the state shall encourage and care for such activities and shall provide for their requirements.