How to Measure Assertiveness: 30+ Questions & Scales

Measure assertiveness

When confronted by demands at odds with our best interests, we must ask: Why are we not standing up for ourselves?

Are we saying yes because we agree, or are we trying to prove our worth, unsure of how to assert ourselves (Shaw, 2020)?

There are times when we fail to voice our concerns or state what we want, settling for having our needs ignored.

This article captures some essential questions for reflecting on and measuring assertiveness – your own or your client’s. The answers will help you focus on the techniques and opportunities available for growth and build the skills required for assertive communication.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Work & Career Coaching Exercises for free. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients identify opportunities for professional growth and create a more meaningful career.

This Article Contains:

28 Questions to Ask Your Clients

Assertiveness, self-confidence, and self-esteem are crucial factors in wellbeing and offer valuable protection from poor mental health (Gray, 2015; Gallo, 2012).

Before working on assertiveness techniques, we must first understand our needs and current capacity for assertiveness, recognize our strengths and pitfalls, and find the courage to be ourselves. We must begin by (Gallo, 2012):

Assertiveness training has proven valuable in education, business, relationships, and mental health (Avşar & Alkaya, 2017; Speed, Goldstein, & Goldfried, 2018).

Ultimately, our goal for communication should be one of balance. While we do not wish to irreparably damage our relationships, we want our needs met.

The following questions and questionnaires help increase self-knowledge regarding how successful we are at using assertiveness and reflect on what we would like to achieve.

Are you assertive?

The first set of questions helps your client to get to know themselves and their assertiveness better (modified from Murphy, 2011).

If the client answers ‘no’ to multiple questions, it is possible that they are having difficulty being assertive and may benefit from assertiveness training.

Are you a people pleaser?

People pleasers are valuable in a host of situations, especially within working environments, including (Williams, 2020):

However, people pleasing too much can be harmful to the individual and, over time, may damage the progress of or relationship within a team. It can also indicate low self-esteem and the inability to be assertive.

With that in mind, it’s helpful to consider the following questions and reflect on whether and how much someone is people pleasing (Williams, 2020).

Ask the client to consider the following questions and judge if the answer is ‘yes’ too much of the time:

While people pleasing is not an entirely bad thing, compromise and balance on both sides are essential.

If many of your client’s answers are yes to the questions above, why not introduce some assertiveness skills training into the therapy sessions?

Assertiveness, aggression, and passiveness

While being too passive can be unhelpful, reducing your effectiveness and likelihood of having your needs met, aggression can be equally damaging.

Acting with aggression can mean that even if you get what you want, you may damage relationships and prevent future mutually beneficial dealings with other parties (Williams, 2020).

The challenge is to find a happy middle ground, neither too passive nor too aggressive, but assertive.

Having answered the questions above, consider the following to see how you generally approach situations that require you to be clear on your needs:

Becoming assertive is the goal. You should encourage your clients to build the tools to help them act in their best interests, stand up for themselves, and tell others how they feel while remaining civil (Williams, 2020).

Once individuals recognize their degree of assertiveness, it is possible to explore the do’s and don’ts of assertiveness and helpful techniques for work and other relationships.

A Helpful Assertiveness Scale & Questionnaire

Functional Assertiveness Scale

Several scales and questionnaires measure assertiveness against being overly passive, polite, or aggressive.

Functional Assertiveness Scale

Functional assertiveness is a relatively new idea that includes the concept of “objective effectiveness and pragmatic politeness” and defines the interpersonal communication between parties (Mitamura, 2017).

Importantly, functional assertiveness considers the perspectives of both speaker and listener and is sensitive to social context.

The Functional Assertiveness Scale is a 12-item measure of functional assertiveness and interpersonal phenomena associated with assertiveness. Each of the 12 statements “asks you how satisfied you would be with the results obtained if you were in a certain situation, such as wanting someone to do something or to stop doing something” (Mitamura, 2017, p. 103).

The 12 statements are scored on a five-point scale between one (always disagree) and five (always agree) (Mitamura, 2017, p. 110):

  1. I can get a teammate or a peer to change their behavior if the person is being disruptive.
  2. I can get a person to understand my own ideas even if my ideas are different from theirs.
  3. I can get a person to improve their manners if I feel the person’s manners are not okay.
  4. I can get a person to adjust their way of dressing if I feel the person’s appearance is not okay.
  5. I can get a person to understand that they are being unjust if they point out my failures due to a misunderstanding.
  6. I can get my friends to stop their annoying or troublesome actions.
  7. I don’t offend a disruptive teammate or a peer when I try to get that person to change their behavior.
  8. I never make people feel bad when I try to get them to understand my own ideas.
  9. I don’t needlessly embarrass someone when I try to get that person to improve their manners.
  10. I cause minimal embarrassment to a person when I try to get that person to change the way they dress.
  11. I don’t get on a person’s nerves more than necessary when I try to get the person to understand that they are being unjust in pointing out my failures.
  12. I don’t carelessly insult my friends when I try to get them to stop annoying or troublesome actions.

The last six questions focus on the degree of politeness used while being assertive.

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Assertiveness Formative Questionnaire

The Assertiveness Formative Questionnaire forms part of the Assertiveness Assessment Suite used to help students express their needs directly and self-assuredly.

This 20-question measure is scored on a five-point scale between ‘Not very much like me’ to ‘Very like me’ and is available for download (Gaumer Erickson, Noonan, Monroe, & McCall, 2016).

Examples of the statements include:

Express wants, needs, and thoughts

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An Evidence-Based Quiz

Answering questions based on past and expected behavior can be a valuable way to learn more about ourselves and reflect on our degree of assertiveness.

Here are two of our favorites:

How assertive am I?

The University of Oxford (2015) offers an evidence-based set of 10 questions based on real-world scenarios:

  1. You are at McDonald’s and order a chicken legend burger with mayonnaise, but they give you one with salsa.
    1. Accept it since you sort of like salsa anyway.
    2. Angrily refuse the burger and insist on seeing the manager to complain about the poor service.
    3. Call the waiter and indicate you ordered your burger with mayonnaise.
      1. Let the person be ahead of you since they are already in line.
      2. Pull the person out of line and make them go to the back.
      3. Indicate to the person that you are in line and point out where it begins.
        1. Let it go since you are already out of the store and the store clerk looked busy.
        2. Go to the manager and indicate how you were cheated by the clerk, then demand the proper change.
        3. Return to the clerk and inform them of the error.’s Resources

        We have many worksheets, tools, and other resources that guide and promote the development of an assertive communication style. To get you started, check out some of the following free worksheets:

        • Knowing When to Speak Up
          This worksheet presents a series of questions to help clients determine whether the circumstances are right to have an important or difficult conversation.
        • Replace Unhelpful Thoughts for Assertiveness
          This worksheet helps clients identify and replace problematic thoughts that cause them to say ‘yes’ in situations where they’d prefer to say ‘no.’
        • Finding Your Assertiveness Balance
          This worksheet helps clients explore different ways to respond to situations and requests that are assertive rather than passive or aggressive.
        • Assertiveness Formula
          This three-part worksheet lays out a formula to help clients clearly and respectfully communicate when someone else’s behavior is causing a problem.
        • Building Assertiveness Skills: Top 12 Books & Workbooks
          This article containing a selection of top assertiveness books, is an excellent resource for you to develop a broader understanding and application of assertiveness.
        • 17 Positive Communication Exercises
          If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others communicate better, check out this collection of 17 validated positive communication tools for practitioners. Use them to help others improve their communication skills and form deeper and more positive relationships.

        A Take-Home Message

        When we spend too much time pleasing others and ignoring our own needs, it can indicate a lack of assertiveness. While it is essential to let others have their say, our own views and needs deserve to be heard, considered, and, when possible, met.

        Failing to practice assertiveness can mean that others take advantage. People may come to you because they know you won’t say no even when the request is unreasonable, and they will not need to compromise (Williams, 2020).

        Respect works in both directions.

        Assertiveness techniques can help you share your opinion and ask for what you want without resorting to aggression or remaining passive and resentful. Direct and assertive communication provides the best opportunity for a balanced and fair outcome based on openness and shared compromise.

        Through understanding your own, or your clients’, assertiveness style, it is possible to begin using tools and techniques to develop a “communication style that encourages straightforward expression” without hostility (Mitamura, 2017, p. 99).

        And through self-knowledge and preparedness, there is potential to ask for what you deserve while handling the request sensitively.

        Why not try out some of the questions, questionnaires, and quizzes in this article to increase your clients’ awareness of their communication styles? Then explore the assertiveness techniques we offer to develop strategies that provide a more effective, balanced, assertive approach to relationships.

        We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Work & Career Coaching Exercises for free.

        • Avşar, F., & Alkaya, S. A. (2017). The effectiveness of assertiveness training for school-aged children on bullying and assertiveness level. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 36, 186–190.
        • Gallo, A. (2012). How to be assertive (without losing yourself). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved July 28, 2021, from
        • Gray, E. (2015, March 17). How to be more assertive. The British CBT & Counselling Service. Retrieved August 16, 2021, from
        • Gaumer Erickson, A. S., Noonan, P. M., Monroe, K., & McCall, Z. (2016). Assertiveness formative questionnaire. In P. Noonan & A. Gaumer Erickson (Eds.), The skills that matter: Teaching interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies in any classroom (p. 181–182). Corwin.
        • University of Oxford. (2015). How assertive am I? Retrieved July 28, 2021, from
        • Mitamura, T. (2017). Developing the functional assertiveness scale: Measuring dimensions of objective effectiveness and pragmatic politeness. Japanese Psychological Research, 60(2), 99–110.
        • Murphy, J. (2011). Assertiveness: How to stand up for yourself and still win the respect of others. Author.
        • Shaw, G. (2020). Alpha assertiveness guide for men and women: The workbook for training assertive behavior and communication skills to live bold, command respect and gain confidence at work and in relationships. Communication Excellence.
        • Speed, B. C., Goldstein, B. L., & Goldfried, M. R. (2018). Assertiveness training: A forgotten evidence-based treatment. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 25(1).
        • Utah Education Network. (n.d.) Which style are you?
        • Williams, J. W. (2020). Assertiveness training: Stop people pleasing, feeling guilty, and caring for what others think. Author.
        About the author

        Jeremy Sutton, Ph.D., is an experienced psychologist, consultant, and coach. Jeremy also teaches psychology online at the University of Liverpool and works as a coach and educator, specialising in positive psychology, performance psychology, sports psychology, and strength-based psychology.

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        Renee LOKE on September 5, 2023 at 00:33 I’m wondering if the grief plan document is intended for Knowing When to Speak Up worksheet. Reply Annelé Venter on September 5, 2023 at 08:36

        Hi Renee, Apologies for that gremlin that slipped in.
        The correct worksheet has now been added.
        Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Regards,
        Annelé | Editor Reply

        Sonia Hinds on November 4, 2021 at 13:04

        I love your work. I created play therapy intervention to help children recognize the three behavioral responses, aggressive, assertive and passive. I find that the children had no idea how they were behaving and was able to recognize themselves and their behaviors by playing the game. Reply